Commercial Painting Made Pain-Free

Here are a few steps to take that will ensure a pain-free paint project or remodel.

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Inspire trust and confidence in your clients, customers, and employees with a well-maintained place of business. Painting can be just the thing to put the spunk back into your business. Some may hesitate to repaint in order to not upset the day-to-day operations but with careful preparation and our tips below you can efficiently update your space and keep things operating smoothly.

Divide And Conquer

Depending on the scope of work, you can break it up into spaces so that only one area at a time is affected. This helps when having to relocate furniture or foot traffic.

Flexible Hours

Ask your painting contractor if they can work during closed or slow hours. If you manage an office with many employees, can your contractor work on the weekend? If you manage an apartment complex, can your contractor begin after the morning rush hour and clean up at the end of each day before the renters return?

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Notify all those who will be affected by the disruption. Email your employees and post signs around the office reminding people of when the painting is going to begin. Post signs for customers indicating where the painting is taking place. Use social media or email newsletters to let your customers or residents know about the temporary disruption.

Handle Complaints Immediately

A prompt and kind response to a customer or employee's concern will let them know that their input is valuable. There is most likely a quick fix to a concern that can benefit everyone and keep the project moving without delay.


When your project is completed, celebrate! Post about it on social media and share it in your email newsletters. This lets everyone know you are doing well and that maintenance and attention to detail are important to you. Then go and enjoy your updated space.

Cobb Brothers Company would be happy to help make your commercial painting projects as simple and pain-free as possible. Call us today at 508-655-7910.


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